Monday, February 3, 2014

Episode 50: Nerd Giraffe

This week on the Enginerdy Show, Mister Pold and D Viddy participate in the first ever Nerd Giraffe (or Nerd Draft). Each have compiled a list of 100 nerds and they pick 16 each for their "nerd teams". St Jimmy discusses 3D printing for houses and sugar batteries.

We are also on iTunes now so please gives us stars and feedback there.

Go shopping at by clicking here.

Music Provided by:
Greg Gibbs / Most Guitars Are Made of Trees
Amil Byleckie / What's In The Bag, Old Man
Emerald Park / Reality Bites
The Prefab Messiahs / Desperately Happy
The Strangers / Who Are You
The Womb / Don't Remind Me

1 comment:

  1. lol. The indian guy from Short Circuit is the bad guy from hackers. Can not believe you guys missed that.
