Sunday, October 5, 2014

Episode 85: Tauntaun Phooey

This week on The Enginerdy Show, Mr. Pold discusses a possible part for Bill Shatner in the next Star Trek movie and St. Jimmy talks about what Google has been up to.

Music Provided By:

Greg Gibbs / Most Guitars Are Made of Trees
Bergitta Victor / Trouble
Emerald Park / Reality Bites
Jenny Mayhem / Could Be
Moppi Ja Aivokurkiaiset / Pyllykenraali
The Womb / Don't Remind Me

1 comment:

  1. Great show guys! I'm running low on current podcasts so I'm going back and listening to some of your classic shows that I missed. Great stuff! I have one comment on your Google backed free wifi story. Google is getting into the ISP business so maybe they are planning to be able to continue the service themselves at the end of the free trial run. I don't know much about it, except that it is supposed to be way faster than any current available internet service and Portland is on the list of potential cities to get Google internet. I'd love to hear more about from St. Jimmy in the technerdigy segment.

    P.S. Charlie and I would like to come visit for Orange Julius night so maybe we could schedule an in-person podcast recording. We're thinking early December...
